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Superconductivity  suspension system is the 21th   century   lead   technology   and    will become more popular and acceptable among all   the   country  if  compare   with   current conventional     train    system    in   terms of  environmental  ,    speed  ,   save   time   and energy , maintanance and others. 

As magnetic levitation (maglev) systems begin to come on line around the world, questions surrounding these seemingly magical transportation technologies will naturally and inevitably arise; especially, as the price of oil continues to climb. This board has been established to answer such questions and to increase awareness of transportation engineering options, traffic congestion mitigation, and improved land development and energy policies.


In March  2005  the 9 km/ 9 station  HSST  Tobu  Kyuryo Line   ( T K L )    opened  in Nagoya  ,   Aichi  ,   Japan . Nicknamed  " Linimo " ,  for " Linear motor car ", by May 2006 it  had  carried over 22 million  with   99.997 % on-time  reliability . Systems of the  HSST type are proposed for Taipei, DaeJeon (opening 2007) ,  Beijing , Shanghai, and Johor Baru.



Magnetic levitation is achieved in a variety of ways. What all these maglev systems share is the use of electro-magnetic power to suspend vehicles above and away from their guideways (tracks) rather than using wheels; although some systems use wheels for suspension at low speeds and while at rest.
By suspending vehicles away from their guideways, the friction resulting from wheel on track contact is eliminated as an impediment to higher speeds. This same electro-magnetic power is also used to propel vehicles, which also means they are not polluting their rights of way. The regular use of mechanical friction brakes is also eliminated, along with the need for expensive brake maintenance.

All of these innovations result in much lower operational and maintenance expenditures, while also enabling significantly higher speeds and faster rates of acceleration and deceleration.

Maglev systems are cost effective, quiet and energy efficient and fit seamlessly into the vision of developing sustainable and livable pedestrian communities that enhance, rather than compromise, citizen mobility.

By : Dr Johannes Kluhspies.
